Tuesday, October 11, 2016

38th Annual Terrace Mill Fiddle Contest

This years' fiddle contest at the historical Terrace Mill site in Terrace, MN. was great. The weather was very cold, windy and rainy (which the fiddlers did not enjoy.) We had a wonderful time!

Here is the video! :)

I ended up taking first in my age division, and after competing in the final round, received the Grand Champion award.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Old-Time Fiddle Contest in Pepin WI.

Saturday, September 10, was the date of the Old-Time Fiddle Contest, held during the Annual Laura Ingalls Wilder Days in Pepin, Wisconsin. We always have so much fun at this competition! My sister and brother-in-law and their children came to compete, as well as to enjoy the event. At this Laura Ingalls Wilder event, many people dress up in historical clothing.
My nephew with the corncob doll he made.
Warming up before the competition. My brother-in-law and two of my nephews brought their cellos to compete in one of the divisions.
My niece also competed in the fiddle contest. I love our expressions :)

Waiting to go on stage.

My niece played SO beautifully, and I was so proud of her! She performed Ash Grove and Swallowtail Jig.
I played Old South Waltz and Sally Goodin.

Here is the video!

In a separate division, the cellos played Old Joe Clark. They did an amazing job!

My nephew played Swallowtail Jig beautifully on his cello.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Minnesota State Old Time Fiddle Championships

So excited to share a little with you about the amazing time we had at the Minnesota Old Time Fiddle Championships in Mountain Iron, Minnesota!
Please check out this link!

As it was quite a drive from River Falls, Wisconsin, we hit the road around 7:00am, and arrived in Mountain Iron around 11:30am. The competition started at 1:00pm, so we had just enough time to snap a few pictures and practice before the excitement began! 

                                 Me standing with the "official" sign....before the competition

      The competition was composed of two rounds. During the first round, or elimination round, I performed Golden Fiddle Waltz and Say Old Man Can You Play The Fiddle.

The top five scores in the competition competed in the championship round. For the second and final round, I performed Lonesome Moonlight Waltz, Sally Goodin, and Cotton Patch Rag. I placed second in the competition. For more information on this see this link.....  http://www.riverfallsjournal.com/life/arts-and-entertainment/4100773-judgment-shes-fiddling-her-way-top

Another exciting aspect of the day was competing in the Twin Fiddling division with a friend. We performed Lovers' Waltz. We placed first in this division.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Fiddle Contest during the Lake Itasca Family Music Festival

Our family thoroughly enjoys attending the annual Lake Itasca Family Music Festival, which is always hosted the first full weekend in August.

Check out this video of the festival!

This year, the festival contained a fiddle contest. Below is a YouTube link to my performance.


We always have a wonderful time at this event. If you are looking for a fun family event, I certainly recommend the Lake Itasca Family Music Festival!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Big Lake, MN Fiddle Contest

The annual Fiddlers' Competition in Big Lake, MN took place on June 26, 2016. I played Golden Fiddle Waltz and Sally Goodin, placing first in my division.

Click on the link below to view my performance!


Check out my YouTube channel for more videos!
